M.W.A.N.Z.A. Reg. Ass. is ten years old.
M.W.A.N.Z.A. – Association presents itself on the market place on the occasion of „Gate to Africa”
Würzburg. A Vietnamese priest from Mwanza, an African documentary filmer, a Tansanian expert für sewing machines, a secondary modem school headmaster from the region of Schweinfurt, a retired Swiss woman architect, a qualified educator in therapeutics- the latter two living in Mwanza -a Mwanza, a Mwanzan artist from Baden-Baden, beginning trainees – they all met at the stand of M.W.A.N.Z.A. association in the tent of the One-World-Forum at the Africa Festival. Globalisation alive!
“Do you really know that our society was founded exactly ten years ago?“ Martina Kapuschinski, a faithful helper at our infostand asked on Whitsun Monday. Even the chairman during the decade, Michael Stolz, was not absolutely sure about the date.
The list of the projects on the notice board, realized by the association, looks quite respectable – although this date is not particularly celebrated. The list includes the successful project “1000 school desks für Mwanza” carried out last year, “with 65 000 Euro the up to now most extensive impulse to improve the situation in the twin city on Lake Victoria”, thus Stolz.
The “Mwanza Tour 2009” of Würzburg’s choir VOICES in last Novembre shows lasting consequences: a choir partnership with the choirs of the Nyakahoja Parish and an invitation to the artist Benjamin Mgonzwa to the “Gospel meets Africa” evening on Oct. 2nd 2010 when the Night of Open Churches takes place.
Another show-board introduced the new workshop for the disabled at „Tunaweza“, whose initiator Jana Schiemenz was present at the stand: “We want to open up self-confidence and possibilities of cooperation in the families for the mentally handicapped young people. We can achieve something -t hat ‘s also the meaning of our name Tunaweza”, said the instructor in therapeutics who has already lived for some time in Mwanza.
A school exchange is approaching in the near future.
The three initiators were particularly proud of a school exchange with students of a domestic-science class of Klara-Oppenheimer-School. Teacher Doris Mehling heaved a sigh of relief: “The first part of the exchange is guaranteed by many donations. In the middle of July we can participate for three weeks in the school and life of our partner class at VETA, the vocational training school in Mwanza”. Homaira Mansury, lecturer at the Frankenwarte Academy, praised the girls’ commitment. “Not only have they realized a good amount of support für social projects, but they have also put quite a sum into their travelling budget lately.“ Thus the Mwanza association was once again successful in establishing a co-operation to bring Würzburg and Mwanza as twin towns closer together in this one world.
On Saturday, June 12th, the domestic science students will be present with their African titbits at “Gate to Africa” on the lower market place from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. .
To have filled young people with enthusiasm for Africa and to open up an approach to this fascinating world – this means for us the greatest birthday present“, this was the unanimous opinion at the M.W.A.N.Z.A.-Association info-stand.