Welcome to Viktoria Schools
Karibuni Shule Viktoria
Viktoria Schools a project of Viktoria Memorial LIMITED,
a company limited by guarantee, non-profit oriented No. 93434

Viktoria Schools
Malimbe MnanganiP.O. Box 95
Mwanza, Tanzania
Tel. in Tanzania: +255 / 765 021 122 / 767 001 808

The Tanzanian Educational System
Although the government of Tanzania is putting a lot of effort into the education of its people, the country and the education system faces many problems. Basically there are not enough resources. It lacks schoolrooms, equipment, textbooks, teaching material, as well as, trained teachers. In classes with up to 80 pupils, individual teaching is not possible. Therefore children with difficulties in learning have a real challenge in passing the national exams and developing as educated individuals.
The opportunity which was presented to us
In September 2010 we had the opportunity to buy an already existing English Medium Primary school. We believe that the education of children is a direct contribution for the future of this country and the children themselves will contribute to their community by being better educated. With this in mind, and with our professional experiences as teachers and social workers, we decided to buy the school in October 2010. We are committed to providing an environment for individual teaching and development of our children.
Viktoria Schools
Around 10 kilometers away from Mwanza town center our school is in the midst of a basically poor environment. Close by, the newly opened university has a good impact on the economical situation of the area. Nevertheless the gap between poor and rich is increasing. A way out of poverty for most Tanzanian families is to see that their children have a chance to go to a private school where the classes are smaller, and the teachers are professionally trained and committed to teaching. Some families can afford to pay for the school fees, but some cannot. Our aim is to offer a good education also to some of those, who can not otherwise afford it. Therefore we have initiated a Support Program in order to meet this vision. 53 Children are currently supported. With your financial support you can help a child go to school.
Buying the school was the start. The real work is now to develop the school further by constructing more buildings, like classrooms, dining/multipurpose hall, administration office, and continuing education for our teachers. To make the school more self-sustaining we have to grow. The costs for this development are paid by the growing amount of pupils, as well as, by donations. Our vision is to offer schooling from pre-primary to secondary.
Also our aim when the new buildings have been constructed, especially the dining/multipurpose hall, is to open it up as a community center where the local people can come and rent it for workshops and for groups to meet. At the same time it is an opportunity for us to make the local community aware of their rights and the benefits of education and to invite other organizations to work together with us, to share resources and to ensure the families are empowered to support their own children.
Switbert Rutinwa & Johanna Sele-Rutinwa
Schoolowners and management