“Connective Cities international Dialogue Event” in Würzburg

The Connective Cities international Dialogue Event “Municipal sustainable energy production and efficiency: planning and implementing innovative solutions” took place from 9 to 11 May in Würzburg, Germany.

The event took place at the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC in Würzburg and was organized by Connective Cities in cooperation with the City of Würzburg.

As part of the event excursions the participants had the opportunity to visit examples of sustainable energy production and energy efficiency in the Würzburg area.

The participating cities and institutions from Germany but also from Latin America and Africa that participated in the event were:
Buffalo City, South Africa
Portmore, Jamaica
Kragujevac, Serbia
Nablus, Palestinian Territory
Skopje, Macedonia
SALGA (South African Local Government Association)
City of Oldenburg, Germany
City of Hagen, Germany
City of Würzburg
University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt
University of Würzburg Fraunhofer ISC
ZAE Würzburg
M.W.A.N.Z.A. e.V., Würzburg

The participants had the possibility to present their local good practices, to discuss and address their challenges as well as to develop new joint project ideas.

Description of the project 4 PV-Plants for Mwanza

By installing and successfully operating four photovoltaic (PV) power plants on municipal buildings that will deliver electricity for consumption by the owners, the relevant target groups in Mwanza will be made aware of the technical and economic potential of solar power generation. In the medium term they will then be able to build PV-based solar power plants on a large scale. Furthermore, in the municipal buildings the power required from the public grid will be reduced, and overall expenditure on electric power will be lowered in the medium term.

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