According to Montessori pedagogy in the sparkling star day care centre we believe, that each child is a unique individual with their own learning speed and style. In that case the Montessori method is designed to nurture this individuality. Overall Montessori learning is a holistic approach to education that values the development of the whole child (intellectually, socially, emotionally, and physically). It is an approach that encourages children to become independent, self-directed learners, with a deep love of learning that will last a lifetime.
The sparkling star day care centre takes children from the age of 2 to 5 years all together in one class. Younger children learn from bigger ones and bigger children are happy to help little ones. The sparkling star day care centre also takes children with disabilities, like autism, slow learners (intellectual disability), and language delay impairment. The Montessori environment and materials helps them to obtain knowledge through hand-on materials, as the hand and the brain (mind) are linked in the pursuit of understanding.
The school day starts at 07:30am in the morning until 10:00am. Every child is free to choose a skill they would like to develop or an activity they wish to concentrate on. From 10:00am until 11:00am, children get breakfast. Children get normal breakfast according to Tanzania. (A cup of tea with vitumbua, maandazi, cassava, sweet potatoes or porridge) After breakfast they go outside to play and for sports. Afterwards they go back to class to sit together for stories, songs, rhymes, science, geography, art, etc. At 01:00pm they get lunch. Children get balanced diet food from local markets and according to the season. (Rice, ugali or makande with vegetables, beans and meat as well as fruits) Every day children get different food to allow them to get different taste. After lunch, little children sleep and bigger children continue with class timetable. The day ends at 04:00pm when parents come to take their children.
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