Representatives and Delegations from Mwanza Visiting Wuerzburg

City Sistership renewed

– Es gilt das gesprochene Wort –

Ceremonies upon the signing of the city twinning agreement between Würzburg and Mwanza (twinning established on 28.06.1966), 12.06.2013,
8.00 pm City Council chamber

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Mwanza Students visiting Wuerzburg – May 2011

In Würzburg, the towels are embroidered with the names of the guests. The class H III of the Vocational School of Home Economics at the ClaraOppenheimer School, has produced these towels with the assistance of their professional teacher Martha Oehrlein.

Marked Towels for the Mwanza Guests


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Mwanza Municipal Officers in Wuerzburg for skill enhancement

April 2nd to 25th, 2007: Skill enhancement for Mr. Thobias Bujiku, Mwanza City Transport Officer, und Mr. Mussa Kaboni, Second in charge Fire Brigade Officer, with Wuerzburg Professional Fire Brigade and Clean Environment Office. This training prepares the taking over of a waste disposal lorry that will be sent to Mwanza in springtime this year.

Mr. Mussa Kaboni grew familiar with the techniques of fire prevention, rescue skills, first aid, and breathing devices. In Mwanza three up-to-date fire fighting vehicles are on duty.

The training targets materialised more exactly in the process. When it turned out that the Wuerzburg fire fighters had a complete breathing device testing unit in their store – working without complicated electronics  – Mr. Mussa Kaboni underwent ain-depth training on this device. Therefore he will be able to apply and maintain the up to date unused breathing apparatuses in Mwanza.

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Joseph Mlinzi visiting Wuerzburg 2008

On November 23rd, 2008 Mr. Joseph Mlinzi, Public relations and Town-twinning Officer visited Wuerzburg.
At this occation environment topics came to the fore: re-afforestation, composting, and drinking water processsing.

Mr. Joseph Mlinzi from Mwanza with manager Mr. Dormann viewing the Wuerzburg composting plant

Lord Mayor Bihondo visiting Wuerzburg 2007

OB Dr. Beckmann and OB BihondoOn June 23rd Lord Mayor Leonard Bihondo from Mwanza payed his traditional visit to their sister city Wuerzburg. Mr. Bihondo remained for only six days, whereas his escort Mr. Joseph Mlinzi stayed on until July 7th. Besides the official visiting program including the Mozart Festivities our Association entertained the visitors. 

The visitors’ program comprised the Municipal reception on the occasion of the Mozart Festival, a trip to Creglingen und Rothenburg, visits to the Chamber of Handicrafts and the Waste Disposal Department, the Public Green Areas’ Office, and the Professional Fire Brigade.

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Mama Salalah from ILTC, Mwanza visiting Wuerzburg (2006)

Lecture at Friedrich-List-Gymnasium, GemündenMama Salalah works for years as a lecturer at the Mwanza International Languages Training Centre. Repeatedly she has been assisting German trainees to get acquainted to the Kiswahili language as well as to Tanzanian cutlure and every day life, co-operating with our Association.

Consequently, the M.W.A.N.Z.A. Association prepared and organised her stay at Wuerzburg in 2006.

Ms. Salalah lectured in Schools, at the University, and in Adult Education Institutions.

She inspired the understanding for Tanzanian culture and every day life in Mwanza. to pupils and teachers at various schools:  Goethe-Kepler-Grundschule (Kl. 1-4), Hauptschule Zellerau (Kl.9), Hauptschule Heuchelhof (Kl. 8-10), Realschule Gemünden (Kl.9-10) und Friedrich-List-Gymnasium Gemünden (Kl. 8, 11-13).

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Educational Officer from Mwanza visiting Wuerzburg

Educational Officer Ms. Beate Manyama from Mwanza in WuerzburgOn the occasion of a visit to Germany Schools Inscpector Ms. Beate Manyama from Mwanza / Tanzania called on Mwanza’s sister city Wuerzburg.Ms. Manyama is sojourning in Germany on invitation of the Carl-Duisberg-Society.  Additionally she is chairperson of the task force for solid waste disposal within the Mwanza City Development Project. In this function she attends a north-south-meeding of the Carl-Duisberg-Society. The Wuerzburg town-twinning officer Ms. Eva-Maria Barklind-Schwande was, of course, pleased to meet hr guest from Mwanza and exchange views with her.Originally, the contacts between the two cities started in 1966,  and were then continuously built up.

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Teacher Ms. Maruzuku from Mwanza visiting Wuerzburg






Ms. Maruzuku from Mwanza in Unterdürrbach, a Wuerzburg quarter

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2009-02-04 Angela Müller-Mbwilo completing her promotion

2009-02-04 Angela Müller-Mbwilo completes her promotion. She wrote a thesis on „The Situation of handicapped people in in Mwanza / Tanzania”. Ms. Müller-Mbwilo has organised her research in Tanzania via our association. Congratulations!

A. Müller-Mbwilo beim Africa Festival 06


2009-09-26 Tanzania-guests visiting Mainfranken Fair

2009-09-26 to 10-04 Mainfranken Fair Wuerzburg:
Marga van Barschot and Hoja Tarsisius from Upendo Daima from Mwanza will support us with our information desk on the Mainfranken Fair in September this year

The Street Kids Project UPENDO DAIMA

Further Partnerships and Projects of M.W.A.N.Z.A. e.V.