The annual reports of the board (beginning 2000) summarise important events, activities, and strategies of the M.W.A.N.Z.A. Association


What M.W.A.N.Z.A. e.V. has done all over the years?

Founded in 2000; all the years information activities on official ioccasions, taking part in Africa Festival,

Sponsorships for girls: supporting them in their needs for school fees and school items.

Period 2009 – 2015

2008 we organized the transport of the ambulance car and the garbage truck (a second one 2013);

organizing visits to Mwanza with delegations from Würzburg, including our Lord Mayor (2009, 2012, 2014)

2009: Mwanza Concert Tour by the Rock-Pop-Gospel-choir Voices from Würzburg

2009: Fundrising “Madawati elfu moja” for public elementary schools

2009: Constructing a girls’ dormitory at Kiloleli Maria Montessori Secondary School

2010 in Mwanza/2011 in Würzburg: Exchange of Students for Hotel Catering / Domestic Sciences between VETA and Klara-Oppenheimer

2010: Visit and lectures by Mama Salalah from iltc Mwanza in Würzburg

since 2012 testing of solar driven lamps for the fishermen in Luchelele, cooperating with TAREA (Tanzanian Renewable Energies Association),

2012 organizing a visit of a young soccer team from TSC Tanzanian Street Children Academy in Germany

2012 in Mwanza / 2013 in Würzburg: Exchange of Students for plumbing and pipefitting / technicians between VETA and Franz-Oberthür-Schule

2012: Visit of a delegation from Würzburg, including Lord Mayor Georg Rosenthal and City Economist Christian Schuchardt (since 2014 Lord Mayor)

2013 initiating the climate partnership between the two city administrations

2013 initiating a students’ construction experiment of fishermen’s raft (like those on Lake Victoria) in the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (Fachholschule Würzburg Schweinfurt), department of architecture

2013, June taking part in an activity day “All children have rights” in the Catholic Matthias-Ehrenfried-Haus

2013 / 2014: supporting an organizing FELS (Football – Education – Life Skills) that sponsored football activities and the professional development of some players and organized a visit and training of a group of yound soccer players

2014: Organizing the visit and professional program of two representatives of Tunaweza in Würzburg (Obadia Kalumbete, Stephen Methusela)

2014 supporting the Community and Education Centre in Viktoria Schools in Malimbe

2015 supporting the renovation of the Childrens’ and Orphans’ Home Fonelisco in Ilemela


What is the financial support that has come to Mwanza City through Mwanza e.V.?

Year after year this depends on the funding we receive by private persons, by bank institutes (Sparkasse Mainfranken), by other NGOs like Partnerkaffee e.V., by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation. It is varying between 20,000.00 and 100,00.00 EURO per year.


What are the five most successful local  projects that have benefitted through Mwanza e.V ?

2009: Madawati Elfu Moja kwa Mwanza – 1000 Schulbänke für Mwanza: Providing 1300 schooldesks and chairs to Mwanza public Elementary Schools.

Supporting Huruma Special Unit in Pasiansi, a School for Children with handicaps

Supporting Tunaweza, a workshop for young people with handicaps

Supporting Malimbe Family, a childrens’ home of Upendo Daima

Supporting AIDS initiatives of Shaloom Care House and Uzima in Ilemela.

2008 Annual Report

Wuerzburg, 15.1.2009

Dear members and benefactors!

Again we would like to thank you for your strong support and give you a review as well.

Some remarks on the contacts between the two sister cities:
Two expert civil servants from Mwanza stayed at Wuerzburg for a three weeks’ advanced training. The chief of the municipal car park, Mr. Thobias Bujiku and deputy commander of the fire brigade, Mr. Mussa Kaboni. Both visitors were accommodated by the professional fire brigade and had, therefore, immediate contact to all three shifts of the Wuerzburg fire fighters. They learned how to handle the garbage collection truck as well as the breathing apparatuses that were shipped to Tanzania in May this year, together with an ambulance vehicle. We accompanied this exercise with our advice.

During summer we looked after the medical students from Bugando Medical Centre who made an internship with Wuerzburg Hospitals.

Our old friend, Mr. Joseph Mlinzi, Mwanza press- and town-twinning officer, came to Wuerzburg for one week’s visit in November, being in Europe on the occasion of establishing a  three-party-twinship with Bray / Wicklow County / Ireland.

This year, too, several trainees were sent to Mwanza.

Since sommer this year preparations for a Tanzania visit of facilitators, are running. Various contacts will be made and intensified.

Our information stand at the Africa Festival this time was integrated into the tent of the Wuerzburg One-World-Forum. At this occasion we got acqainted with the family of an African comedian at the Wuerzburg Theatre, Issaka Zoungrana.

The summer concert of the Municipal Music School in July was dedicated to our activities. The African focus, an information stand, and the proceeds of € 400,00 aimed at the Mwanza people.

A special highlight was the benefit concert on 26.10 of the Rock-Pop-Gospel-Choir VOICES in the fully occupied Wuerzburg Theatre. Together with the proceeds of € 7400,00 it presented a good opportunity of image promotion for the city sistership. The musician and comedian Benjamin Mgonzwa from the museum village Bujora near Mwanza performed solo and together with the choir.

In June and October Mr. Benjamin Mgonzwa held drumming workshops in schools and kindergardens.

The transport of a garbage collection lorry and an ambulance vehicle to Mwanza has successfully been completed. The shipment from Bremerhaven to Mwanza took a long time from May 1st to mid-July. The transport cost was completely covered by GTZ.

In November the M.W.A.N.Z.A. e.V. presented itself at the municipal adult education centre. In a Christmas concert in St. Mary’s Church some members presented Kiswahili Christmas songs, supported by Uwe Feulner and other friends of Ruvuma.

Our financial assistance to Mwanza emphasised the education sector.
We committed to donating  € 3000,00 annually for a four years’ period in benefit of MäFöG –Girls’ advancement. The better part of these funds has been forwarded already to  HURUMA, for girls and women with and without a handicap.

With Upendo Daima of Marga van Barschot we undertook the support of all street boys who will attend a secondary school.
More financial commitments will be reported by our treasurer at the next members meeting. We convey our thanks to all donors in the name of the Mwanza people. Please visit our homepage for more details:

We wish you a good year 2009.
Michael Stolz    Walter Oschmann
  chairman             treasurer

2008 Summary

2008-12-02 A card game tournament of the municipal waste disposal workers generated € 1150,- for projects  of our association.

2008 – Dez  Students of the  Klara-Oppenheimer-School  bring by a 400-Euro donation the proceeds of the Voices-benefit-concert for projects of the M.W.A.N.Z.A. association to € 7300,00.

2008-11- 24Short visit of Joseph Mlinzi,  pubic relations and town-twinning officer to Wuerzburg.Mlinzi gives an account of the new partnership Mwanza-Bray (Ireland)

2008-11-2019.30 -21.00 h Lecture at Wuerzburg adult education centre on Mwanza, Sister city to Wuerzburg and the M.W.A.N.Z.A. e.V.

2008-10-26 „VOICES“:  Gospel-Rock-Pop-Choir sings for Wuerzburg’s  tanzanian Sister City

2008-10-25 Benjamim Mgonzwa from Mwanza presents African Dance, drumming,  and pantomime.

2008 SeptemberElena Melber starts working with the Mwanza orphanage  “Watoto wa Afrika” auf. Her blog can be viewed here.  She had been placed into this job by our association. Likewise Walburga Hirschbeck took this way to Tanzania. Her blog:  Walburga Hirschbeck

2008-August   Ambulance car and garbage collection lorry, whose transport has been arranged via our association, reach theri destination Mwanza.

2008-07-06  Mwanza-evening at the WuF Centre in Wuerzburg.

2008-06-29   Benefiz-Sommer-concert of the municipal music school in favour of our Project Girls’ Advancement . In the assembly hall of the Franz-Oberthür-School nearly 400 presented African an other songs.

2008-06-02  Der MWANZA Association joins the Wuerzburg Alliance for civil courage.

2008-05-22 to 25Africa Festival: info-stand of our association within the tent of the One-World-Forum.

2008-05-01  Two vehicles from Wuerzburg, ein garbage collection lorry and an ambulance car ,are on their way to Wuerzburg’s twin-city Mwanza.

2008-04-21The members assembly elects the third board of the M.W.A.N.Z.A. e.V.:
Chairperson: Michael Stolz; vice: Rainer Beckmann; secretar: Barbara Lehrieder
treasurer: Walter Oschmann.

2008-03-02 to 2008-03-25 professional training of Mr. Thobias Bujiku, Mwanza City Transport Officer, und Mr. Mussa Kaboni, Second in Charge Fire Brigade Officer, with Wuerzburg Professional Fire Brigade and environment cleaners.

2008-02   During a Schafkopf-Tournament of environment management staff € 3000,00 € were collected. € 1000,00 thereof for the Mwanza Shaloom Care House in order to encourage the girls’ education.

2008-02  During a Benefit concert at the Wuerzburg Gay Centre € 750,00 € were collected. The money has been forwarded to Adilisha in Mwanza, for AIDS prevention herbal medicine activities.medicine activities.

2008-01-01School students from Gemünden help pupils in Afrika: report

2008-01-01Annual Report 2007 und thanks of the chairman here