ZOOM – Experiences with racism and colonialism in city/twinning relationships

On March 22nd at 7 p.m. (Tanzanian time) there will be a Zoom conversation with actors from

Mwanza and from  Würzburg, its  German twin city.

“Experiences with racism and colonialism in city/twinning relationships”

People from both cities report on this.

We asked people from Mwanza which experiences they have with racism or colonialism in Germany or their country:

  • Dr. George Mutalemwa, from St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT)
  • Joseph Senais, a Tanzanian PhD-student (University of Cottbus, World Heritage Studies)
  • Boniventura Toto, the director of a facility for the disabled,
  • Sr. Denise Mattle, a Franciscan nun who spent her entire life in Tanzania,
  • Deo Mrisho, a Tanzanian student currently studying in Schweinfurt,

We asked also people who have to do with the town twinning here:

  • Dominik Wershofen from the town twinning office Würzburg International,
  • possibly Helmut Stahl and Anunsiata, married here,
  • Thomas Barcatta, from the IT-dedicated public relations officer at MWANZA eV

— and of course all of you too.

We are looking forward to the exchange.

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Meeting ID: 875 0617 1674; Identification code: 776815