Mwanza Municipal Officers in Wuerzburg for skill enhancement


Muell-Atemschutz1.jpg (29784 Byte) Two fire fighters, the Tanzanian guests, Lord Mayor Pia Beckmann, Environment officer Wolfgang Kleiner, fire brigade chief Franz-Josef Hench viewing the breathing device servicing station that will be shipped to Mwanza inside the waste disposal truck (background)


In the foyer of the fire station the guests were warmly welcomed.

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In front of the fire station Mr. Bernardo Mbwilo (married to a German – left) and Mr. Michael Stolz prepare for a stroll around town



Mr. Mussa Kaboni has got to know the breathin device servicing station which he soon will unse in Mwanza. He is observed by Mr. Thobias Bujiku and a press journalist

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Thobias Bujiku and the grand-children of the Stolz family have al look at the world from different angles

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Two Africans in Mainhattan – Frankfort, 200 meters high



A stuffed dog elates Mussa, who has become grand-father. He doesn’t know the name of his new grand-child yet.

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On Easter Monday we held a farewell coffee klatsch for the fire fighters on duty.

The speeches of Thobias und Mussa are translated by Hans Köbler (2nd from l.) .  City councillor Ms. Benita Stolz and Dieter Weidner also take part.