Weeks Against Racism

There will be a Zoom conversation on March 22nd at 5 p.m (German time); 7 p.m. Tanzanian time with actors from Mwanza, Würzburg’s twin city.

“Experiences with racism and colonialism in city-/twinning relationships”

People from both cities report.

We asked people from Mwanza whether there is racism or colonialism in their country: the head of an institution for the disabled, a Franciscan nun who has spent her whole life in Tanzania, a Tanzanian student currently studying in Schweinfurt, and an IT teacher in Mwanza.

Also people who have to do with the town twinning here: from the town twinning office, from a marriage to a Tanzanian, an IT manager and a critical journalist.

We are looking forward to the exchange.

Access to the digital event shortly beforehand via www.mwanza.de