The Saturday Program is the foundation of our OVC services. The children come once a month for educational and recreational activities. This year we realized that the reading level of these children is very low. We have children in Standard 3 who can not read or write. In response to this we used the Saturday Programs to do literacy activities with the children. They can now all write their names. They each received a notebook to use to practice at home.

two of the boys doing a word search puzzle for the first time.

With the funding from M.W.A.N.Z.A.e.v. we were also able to provide them with a nutritious lunch of beans, rice, green vegetables and fruit. I’m sure that for some of the children this is their favorite part of the program.

We received a donation of Legos which the children were fascinated with. They worked together in groups to build whatever they wanted. Houses were a popular choice. Through these recreational activities we try to promote creativity, problem solving and working together as a team.

The children in Standard 5-7 often are given activities that include small group discussions. They must choose a secretary for their group and a presenter who will share with the larger group. Through these activities we hope to build their self-confidence and to develop leadership skills that will benefit them in other areas of their lives.  By providing the children with a strong foundation during Primary School they have a better chance for success in Secondary School and beyond.

On behalf of everyone at Uzima Centre we want to thank M.W.A.N.Z.A.e.v. for supporting our OVC Program.
Sincerely, Joanne Miya  – DIrector

Würzburg’s twin city Mwanza – up close in conversation

People with albinism and impressions of a nurse

For the fourth time, the MWANZA association invites you to a Zoom discussion with partners from Mwanza. On Monday, June 21st at 6 p.m. (TZ time), various actors from Mwanza will be heard in German and English: Judith Steigerwald, a nurse who has been in Mwanza for four weeks and who will stay for a whole year to help set up an endoscopy unit, will report on her first experiences. The M.W.A.N.Z.A. is helping to finance this mission of the Medical Mission Institute.

Ramona Seitz, member of the M.W.A.N.Z.A. e.V. and freelance journalist will report on her long-term research on albinism in Tanzania and ask Vicky Ntetema, a human rights activist, and Charmaigne Zainab, the secretary of CBO Color Mwanza, about the current situation about people with albinism. In addition, music projects will be presented and a comic novel as well, which should help to reduce the prejudices of black people in Tanzania against white albinos. Government policy is setting a good example.

Boniventura Toto, the director of HURUMA, an elementary school for children with handicaps, reported about the colourful life of his students and the longtime sponsoring by M.W.A.N.Z.A. e.V.

Other knowledgeable people are present during the conversation and can bring in other aspects.

You can find the link for this on on the home page.

About the photo: The picture shows a boy in the Mitindo elementary school. Source: Ramona Seitz.

Kind regards Michael Stolz, Chairman of the M.W.A.N.Z.A. e.V.
Meeting-ID: 699 074 0759 Kenncode: 209117

News from the sister city of Mwanza. The internet connects with Würzburg.

On Monday, April, 19th, at 6 pm informations will be given from the responsable people of Mwanza:

Delphine Kessy, from SAUT Univerity will talk with Helmut Stahl, the vice-chairman of MWANZA eV, about touristic issues in Mwanza, especially the Gunzert House on top if a hill inmidst the city. Most probably it will be inaugurated in August 2021.

Sr. Denise, the director of Montessori-Centre in Mwanza, will be interviewed by Anunsiata-Girye Peter, the director of a Montessori-Kindergarten.

Joanne Miya, AIDS-Center Ilemela Outreach, will explain the situation of HIV/AIDS – peolpe in Mwanza.

Next occasions to take part in such an event: On May, 17th, and on June, 21st at 18.00 pm Mwanza time.

You may join us on

Meeting-ID: 699 074 0759

Code: 209117

News from the sister city of Mwanza. The internet connects with Würzburg.

On Monday, March, 15th, at 7 pm informations will be given from the responsable people of Mwanza:

Johanna Sele-Rutinwa and her husband Suitbert, the directors of Viktoria English Medium School, will tell about their school and the sponsorship for girls that are fostered by the German MWANZA eV. (See on the photo the two left persons)

Moreover Obadia Kalumbete, the leader of TUNAWEZA, a workshop for young persons with handicaps, will give a survey on the situation of their new home (on the photo in the midst)

Next a German nurse, Judith Steigerwald, will introduce herself and tell about her experiences in Bugando Medical Centre last year. She will come to Mwanza again to promote the technique of endoscopy, in April. Besides people with expertise of the situation in Mwanza will be present.

You may join us on

Meeting-ID: 699 074 0759

Kenncode: 209117


International Languages Training Centre (ILTC)

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The International Languages Training Centre (iltc) is an institution of learning that covers a wide range of educational activities. Within the framework of 5 departments,  people from 2 to over 80 years of age are taught all that is needed to face life in the 21st century.

The Mission

It is the declared duty and purpose of iltc to enhance effective communication among individuals and groups of various cultures, religious backgrounds as well as economic standing. Successful communication fosters mutual understanding and increase in knowledge for all involved. This ultimately strengthens the sense of unity and solidarity among people of all nations leading to peace and human development.

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“Connective Cities international Dialogue Event” in Würzburg

The Connective Cities international Dialogue Event “Municipal sustainable energy production and efficiency: planning and implementing innovative solutions” took place from 9 to 11 May in Würzburg, Germany.

The event took place at the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC in Würzburg and was organized by Connective Cities in cooperation with the City of Würzburg.

As part of the event excursions the participants had the opportunity to visit examples of sustainable energy production and energy efficiency in the Würzburg area.

The participating cities and institutions from Germany but also from Latin America and Africa that participated in the event were:
Buffalo City, South Africa
Portmore, Jamaica
Kragujevac, Serbia
Nablus, Palestinian Territory
Skopje, Macedonia
SALGA (South African Local Government Association)
City of Oldenburg, Germany
City of Hagen, Germany
City of Würzburg
University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt
University of Würzburg Fraunhofer ISC
ZAE Würzburg
M.W.A.N.Z.A. e.V., Würzburg

The participants had the possibility to present their local good practices, to discuss and address their challenges as well as to develop new joint project ideas.

We proudly present…

50 Years of Town Twinning – 5 artworks from Mwanza – 5 Anniversary-T-Shirts

Dear friends, together with Afri-Calabash Art Fair, Mwanza, and Fonelisco e.V. we are offering 5 jubilee T-Shirts in order to celebrate 50 years of Mwanza and Würzburg being sister cites. If you would like to order a T-shirt, please let us know. We can then help you with the ordering process which is in German as the T-Shirts are printed by the German company Seedshirt. Thanks for the great Mwanza artwork to the three artists Simon Lusana Ndokeji, Mathew Atik and Edward Tibasima. Special thanks to Isack Asfao from the art initiative Afri-Calabash Art Fair for his support.

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New shop in Mwanza: Creations Charity Craft Shop

The CREATIONS Charity Craft Shop is a cooperative venture of four charities in Mwanza. These organizations had worked together for years on a local biannual craft show, which led to the idea for a shop. It now provides an opportunity for the charities to sell their handicrafts year round and thereby earn money for their programs and the crafts people. The four charities are:

  1. Tunaweza: a training program for young adults with disabilities
  2. Uzima Centre: where orphans in secondary school make crafts to help pay their school expenses
  3. Lulu : a program for young single mothers to train them to become self sufficient
  4. Chanua: where widows and other women join together to make craft in order to support their families.

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Würzburg’s sister city is changing

English version of an article by Ramona Seitz in Main Post on 2/5/2016

Since 1966 Würzburg has been twinned to the Tanzanian city Mwanza. What is life like there in the year of anniversary 2016?

The landmark of the city of Mwanza: Bismarck Rock. The cooperation between the African city in Tanzania and Würzburg has been there for 50 years. Photo: Ramona Seitz

Since 100 days the new Tanzanian President John Magufuli has been in office. His nickname is “the bulldozer” and he is really moving something. The pace at which he runs his country is astonishing, not only to Tanzanians. Recently, during a military event, Magufuli has been speaking in military uniform to his countrymen, as commander‐in-chief of the armed forces. The message was clear: The otherwise peaceful Tanzania is at war. It does not take part in a war against another country, but against corruption and mismanagement in its own ranks.

Definitely there is a fresh wind blowing in Tanzania. Can this be felt in Würzburg’s sister city Mwanza? What is life like in Mwanza in the anniversary year 2016, the 50th year of the partnership with Würzburg?

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What M.W.A.N.Z.A. e.V. has done all over the years?

Founded in 2000; all the years information activities on official ioccasions, taking part in Africa Festival,

Sponsorships for girls: supporting them in their needs for school fees and school items.

Period 2009 – 2015

2008 we organized the transport of the ambulance car and the garbage truck (a second one 2013);

organizing visits to Mwanza with delegations from Würzburg, including our Lord Mayor (2009, 2012, 2014)

2009: Mwanza Concert Tour by the Rock-Pop-Gospel-choir Voices from Würzburg

2009: Fundrising “Madawati elfu moja” for public elementary schools

2009: Constructing a girls’ dormitory at Kiloleli Maria Montessori Secondary School

2010 in Mwanza/2011 in Würzburg: Exchange of Students for Hotel Catering / Domestic Sciences between VETA and Klara-Oppenheimer

2010: Visit and lectures by Mama Salalah from iltc Mwanza in Würzburg

since 2012 testing of solar driven lamps for the fishermen in Luchelele, cooperating with TAREA (Tanzanian Renewable Energies Association),

2012 organizing a visit of a young soccer team from TSC Tanzanian Street Children Academy in Germany

2012 in Mwanza / 2013 in Würzburg: Exchange of Students for plumbing and pipefitting / technicians between VETA and Franz-Oberthür-Schule

2012: Visit of a delegation from Würzburg, including Lord Mayor Georg Rosenthal and City Economist Christian Schuchardt (since 2014 Lord Mayor)

2013 initiating the climate partnership between the two city administrations

2013 initiating a students’ construction experiment of fishermen’s raft (like those on Lake Victoria) in the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (Fachholschule Würzburg Schweinfurt), department of architecture

2013, June taking part in an activity day “All children have rights” in the Catholic Matthias-Ehrenfried-Haus

2013 / 2014: supporting an organizing FELS (Football – Education – Life Skills) that sponsored football activities and the professional development of some players and organized a visit and training of a group of yound soccer players

2014: Organizing the visit and professional program of two representatives of Tunaweza in Würzburg (Obadia Kalumbete, Stephen Methusela)

2014 supporting the Community and Education Centre in Viktoria Schools in Malimbe

2015 supporting the renovation of the Childrens’ and Orphans’ Home Fonelisco in Ilemela


What is the financial support that has come to Mwanza City through Mwanza e.V.?

Year after year this depends on the funding we receive by private persons, by bank institutes (Sparkasse Mainfranken), by other NGOs like Partnerkaffee e.V., by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation. It is varying between 20,000.00 and 100,00.00 EURO per year.


What are the five most successful local  projects that have benefitted through Mwanza e.V ?

2009: Madawati Elfu Moja kwa Mwanza – 1000 Schulbänke für Mwanza: Providing 1300 schooldesks and chairs to Mwanza public Elementary Schools.

Supporting Huruma Special Unit in Pasiansi, a School for Children with handicaps

Supporting Tunaweza, a workshop for young people with handicaps

Supporting Malimbe Family, a childrens’ home of Upendo Daima

Supporting AIDS initiatives of Shaloom Care House and Uzima in Ilemela.