The M.W.A.N.Z.A. Association relates to public, private and nongovernmental organisations. This section presents information and news from Mwanza and its environments. We also present the co-operation partners in Tanzania of the M.W.A.N.Z.A. Association

International Languages Training Centre (ILTC)

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The International Languages Training Centre (iltc) is an institution of learning that covers a wide range of educational activities. Within the framework of 5 departments,  people from 2 to over 80 years of age are taught all that is needed to face life in the 21st century.

The Mission

It is the declared duty and purpose of iltc to enhance effective communication among individuals and groups of various cultures, religious backgrounds as well as economic standing. Successful communication fosters mutual understanding and increase in knowledge for all involved. This ultimately strengthens the sense of unity and solidarity among people of all nations leading to peace and human development.

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New shop in Mwanza: Creations Charity Craft Shop

The CREATIONS Charity Craft Shop is a cooperative venture of four charities in Mwanza. These organizations had worked together for years on a local biannual craft show, which led to the idea for a shop. It now provides an opportunity for the charities to sell their handicrafts year round and thereby earn money for their programs and the crafts people. The four charities are:

  1. Tunaweza: a training program for young adults with disabilities
  2. Uzima Centre: where orphans in secondary school make crafts to help pay their school expenses
  3. Lulu : a program for young single mothers to train them to become self sufficient
  4. Chanua: where widows and other women join together to make craft in order to support their families.

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Würzburg’s sister city is changing

English version of an article by Ramona Seitz in Main Post on 2/5/2016

Since 1966 Würzburg has been twinned to the Tanzanian city Mwanza. What is life like there in the year of anniversary 2016?

The landmark of the city of Mwanza: Bismarck Rock. The cooperation between the African city in Tanzania and Würzburg has been there for 50 years. Photo: Ramona Seitz

Since 100 days the new Tanzanian President John Magufuli has been in office. His nickname is “the bulldozer” and he is really moving something. The pace at which he runs his country is astonishing, not only to Tanzanians. Recently, during a military event, Magufuli has been speaking in military uniform to his countrymen, as commander‐in-chief of the armed forces. The message was clear: The otherwise peaceful Tanzania is at war. It does not take part in a war against another country, but against corruption and mismanagement in its own ranks.

Definitely there is a fresh wind blowing in Tanzania. Can this be felt in Würzburg’s sister city Mwanza? What is life like in Mwanza in the anniversary year 2016, the 50th year of the partnership with Würzburg?

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Bwire elected Mwanza city mayor

ALEXANDER SANGA in MwanzaMr. James Bwire - Mayor for Mwanza

The Mwanza Regional Administrative Secretary, Ms Marisela Mayala, has announced Mahina Ward Councillor, Mr James Bwire as the new Mayor for Mwanza city.

The exercise that took place at the city hall saw Mr James Bwire from Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) emerging victorious after gathering 20 votes and his closest opponent Chadema’s Pambalu John Justine got 5 votes.

According to Ms Mayala, no votes were spoilt and all the 25 councillors managed to vote. “It’s time to work for Mwanza people, politics has ended. You should work for the people who voted for you during the general election in October”, she added.

Nyamagana Ward CCM representative, Bhiku Kotecha emerged the winner as assistant mayor after gathering 20 votes followed by the Chadema’s Pamba Ward representative, Range Samuel who gathered five votes out of 25.

The newly appointed Mwanza City Mayor, Mr Bwire, promised to cooperate with his fellow councillors towards the building of new city. “It’s time to cooperate with the Mwanza City Director, Mr Adam Mgoyi, towards bringing development towards our region. I insist that every councillor must fulfil what he or she has promised to their residents” Bwire added.

Mr Bwire promised to embrace the Magufuli “Hapa Kazi tu” slogan toward the improvement of the living standards of the people.


Daily News, 15.12. 2015


February 2015

Dear Friends of Huruma,

Absolutely amazing!  Through sharing food typical of Tanzania, African music, a slide show of Huruma students, a display of Tanzanian artifacts and testimony of those who have been to Huruma, a community of concern reached out  to ensure that Huruma continues to serve students with disabilities in the Mwanza region.


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Viktoria Schools

Welcome to Viktoria Schools

Karibuni Shule Viktoria

Viktoria Schools a project of Viktoria Memorial LIMITED,

a company limited by guarantee, non-profit oriented No. 93434


Viktoria Schools

Malimbe MnanganiP.O. Box 95

Mwanza, Tanzania

Tel. in Tanzania: +255 / 765 021 122  / 767 001 808

 Kinder aus allen Schulstufen, einige Lehrpersonen, Switbert Rutinwa und Johanna Sele-Rutinwa vor dem Lehrerzimmer


The Tanzanian Educational System

Although the government of Tanzania is putting a lot of effort into the education of its people, the country and the education system faces many problems. Basically there are not enough resources. It lacks schoolrooms, equipment, textbooks, teaching material, as well as, trained teachers. In classes with up to 80 pupils, individual teaching is not possible. Therefore children with difficulties in learning have a real challenge in passing the national exams and developing as educated individuals.


The opportunity which was presented to us

In September 2010 we had the opportunity to buy an already existing English Medium Primary school. We believe that the education of children is a direct contribution for the future of this country and the children themselves will contribute to their community by being better educated. With this in mind, and with our professional experiences as teachers and social workers, we decided to buy the school in October 2010. We are committed to providing an environment for individual teaching and development of our children.


Viktoria Schools

Around 10 kilometers away from Mwanza town center our school is in the midst of a basically poor environment. Close by, the newly opened university has a good impact on the economical situation of the area. Nevertheless the gap between poor and rich is increasing. A way out of poverty for most Tanzanian families is to see that their children have a chance to go to a private school where the classes are smaller, and the teachers are professionally trained and committed to teaching. Some families can afford to pay for the school fees, but some cannot.  Our aim is to offer a good education also to some of those, who can not otherwise afford it. Therefore we have initiated a Support Program in order to meet this vision. 53 Children are currently supported. With your financial support you can help a child go to school.



Buying the school was the start. The real work is now to develop the school further by constructing more buildings, like classrooms, dining/multipurpose hall, administration office, and continuing education for our teachers. To make the school more self-sustaining we have to grow.  The costs for this development are paid by the growing amount of pupils, as well as, by donations. Our vision is to offer schooling from pre-primary to secondary.


Also our aim when the new buildings have been constructed, especially the dining/multipurpose hall, is to open it up as a community center where the local people can come and rent it for workshops and for groups to meet. At the same time it is an opportunity for us to make the local community aware of their rights and the benefits of education and to invite other organizations to work together with us, to share resources and to ensure the families are empowered to support their own children.


Switbert Rutinwa & Johanna Sele-Rutinwa


Schoolowners and management



TUNAWEZA – Promotion of Handicapped Children

TUNAWEZA – Centre is a workshop for young handicapped people. Here you can read a report by Jana Schiemenz from August 2010:

Report of Jana, August 2010 (pdf – file, download can take some time)

History – Present – Targets (2004/05) – PART III

Mwanza City Council

History – Present – Targets (2004/05) PART  III

(English Version without charts)

Ed.: M.W.A.N.Z.A. e.V.
Wuerzburg, twin-town of Mwanza
Oktober 2005

Contents Overview

Location, Climate, History, Administration, Population

2. IMPORTANT SECTORS:  Housing, Informal Sector, Health, Water and Waste water

(2. continued)  IMPORTANT SECTORS:  Education, Schools, Industry, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Tourism

PART  III  (in this article)
3. ECONOMIC INFRASTRUCTURE: Transport and Communication

4. INVESTMENT POTENTIALS IN MWANZA: Agriculture, Transport,  Telecommunication, Tourism, Education, Fishery, Mining


History – Present – Targets (2004/05) – PART II

Mwanza City Council

History – Present – Targets (2004/05) – PART II

(English Version without charts)

Ed.: M.W.A.N.Z.A. e.V.
Wuerzburg, twin-town of Mwanza
Oktober 2005


Location, Climate, History, Administration, Population

2. IMPORTANT SECTORS:  Housing, Informal Sector, Health, Water and Waste water

PART  II  (in this article)
(2. continued)
  IMPORTANT SECORS:  Education, Schools, Industry, Forestry, Animal Husbandry, Tourism

3. ECONOMICAL INFRASTRUCTURE: Transport and Communication

4. INVESTMENT POTENTIALS IN MWANZA: Agriculture, Transport,  Telecommunication, Tourism, Education, Fishery, Mining
